The Air Rescue Team of FEMERAID International informs all our members, Knights and Dames of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) about the followings: 

Vaccines against Covid-19 have been the subject of controversy and mistrust, however it is essential to highlight that, with every minute that passes, approximately 30 children are protected and saved from serious illnesses thanks to the different vaccines available.

In the past five decades, a staggering 150 million children have been saved, surpassing the population of the United Kingdom by more than double. 

The impact of measles vaccination cannot be overstated, with 150 million children now able to grow up, flourish in their lives, and make positive contributions to society. Additionally, over a hundred million sets of parents have been spared the heartbreak of burying their children.

The lifesaving effects of measles vaccination are particularly evident in the staggering statistic that 94 million lives have been saved in the past five decades alone, accounting for more than 60% of the total lives saved through vaccination efforts.

This groundbreaking information was recently revealed in a study published in Lancet on May 2nd. 

16 nd May 2024 NGC 

Dr. Nuno Gonçalo Cosmelli 
Air Physician 
Director of Air Rescue Service 
General Secretary of FEMERAID International