Important Recognition

On the 21st of November, 2008 at 10.30 His Grace Count Sir George Popper and his wife Countess Lady Anna Popper, received the prestigious title of “Freeman of the City of London” in the Ceremonial Guildhall in London.

The Chamberlain bestowed this Honorary title which has been in existence for more than 700 years

It was interesting to learn that this title was only bestowed upon the English, and the citizens of the British Commonwealth until 1999.  Non-British citizens have only been able to receive this title for the past 9 years and among the persons who received this title there are famous people and people of very high status such as all the members of the  British Royal Family, including Princess Diana, the Danish Queen, all the British Prime Ministers, as well as Luciano Pavarotti, Helmuth Kohl, Nelson Mandela and R. Murdock.  The Hungarian Ambassador to London witnessed the initiation of Otto von Habsburg in 2007.

It was sad that in this elevating and joyful event one of our most distinguished Knights and sponsor, Sir Dr Karászy-Kulin János (General) did not live to see the initiation. With his untimely passing the last living Hungarian Freeman, before Sir George and Lady Anna Popper, unfortunately died. His widow, Lady Iris took part in the ceremony.