Message from the new Regent

Dear Knights and Dames, Brothers and Sisters in Saint John,

Days ago I have received by Internet, some photos of an unknown author. These photos, due to the contrasts, not only shocked me, but they also reminded me, once more, the reason why I became a Knight, many years ago.

When in the last meeting of the Grand Magisterial Council all its members unanimously appointed me as the new REGENT of the Federation, I had in my mind other images that my eyes have seen in Africa, when I was there as Ambassador of our Sovereign State, and I had no doubts about the objectives and the actions that I want to implement during my reign.

We cannot forget that we exist…

…..because they exist

We cannot forget….

…that this is child has the age of our children or our grand-children

We can help! We MUST help! We exist to help!

We cannot ignore that

they need us!

To ignore the crimes is to collaborate with the criminals

After having seen these pictures, my fellow Knights and Dames, there is only one thing to do: To proclaim beginning of the


  • Against Violence !
  • Against Misery !
  • Against Starvation !
  • Against Disease !
  • Against Drugs !
  • Against destruction of the Environment and Species !
  • Against Ignorance !
  • Against War !
  • Against Intolerance !

Our priorities are Peace, Health and Education.

These, dear Brothers and Sisters, are the reasons why Our Sovereign Order was created, about 1.000 years ago;

These, dear Brothers and Sisters, are the reasons why Our Sovereign Order has survived for 1.000 years;

These, dear Brothers and Sisters, are the reasons of our existence in the 21st Century;

These, dear Brothers and Sisters, are going to be the motives of my fight and the fight of us all.

In this first message of mine to all Knights and Dames, I want to invite each and every one of you to join all those who are with me in this CRUSADE OF THE MODERN TIMES.

Are we going to change the World ? No, but if we save one single life, if we can contribute for the cure of one single ill, if we can give instruction to one single poor child, if we can save one single teenager from the drugs, and if we can help to protect the Nature and to preserve Peace, then we did our work, we have fulfilled our reasons of existing and we can be proud of being

The Knights of Malta

Given at the Magisterial House on this Fifteenth day of the month of February of the year of Our Lord of 2006

His Most Eminent Highness the Regent